Real Landscape

This project began with my nomadic lifestyle starting in 2023. As I moved through different countries and cities, I acted as an observer, capturing the scenes around me. However, when revisiting these photos, I began to question: are these scenes truly real? Tropical deserts and highland grasslands seem to never converge, and while I am in constant motion, these buildings seem to remain fixed once constructed. Am I capturing the objective world, or merely reflecting my subjective reality?

The landscapes I captured gradually transformed from mere external natural and man-made scenes into reflections of my inner world. In the post-production process, I deconstructed and reconstructed these images, transforming them into new, virtual forms. While these landscapes still exist in reality, they no longer embody the "real" in their original state.

The project is divided into three chapters: Architecture, Humanity and the Artificial, Nature and the Artificial. Each chapter includes an untouched, real landscape photograph, presenting an attempt to redefine "reality." Through these images, the audience will continuously move between the boundaries of truth and fiction, reflecting on the deeper meanings behind the visual representation of the world.